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As communication is a key in all aspects of life, it is an important step that can’t be overlooked for success at work. No one can deny the impact of good workplace communication which help understand your job, clarify misunderstandings, get the best out of the work in hand and ensure smooth operations. what are the tips and tricks for workplace communication best practices?

Establish Clear Guidelines and Rules

Every organization should have a clear set of policies, rules and guidelines for communication to ease the work between employees and team members, establishing those guidelines is the first step to make sure that everyone is on the same page, setting the base for how employees should act in the majority of circumstances without violating any rules and giving them the chance to voice their needs and opinions in a proper way.

Know Where to Communicate and About What

Knowing where and how to communicate your message is half of the battle! Which communication tool is appropriate to get your message clearly to your intended receiver, should you use email, phone, WhatsApp or face to face communication? Choosing the appropriate communication tool depends on the nature of the message, clearly specify what you need to communicate, when, where and how for a better workplace communication.

Watch your Nonverbal Behavior and Tone

Your body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and way of writing can say a lot about your message, make sure that those factors are actually supporting the message you are communicating to avoid confusing the receiver. Remember that communication is not about what you say but also how you say it, so take care of your body language, facial expressions and tone to avoid giving unintentional cues and to improve workplace communication.

Feedback is the key

As communication is a two-way process, Feedback is an important step in the route to improving workplace communication, employees should seek different channels to get their feedback to their colleagues, managers and subordinates and to express their thoughts and opinions truthfully, it is also important to make sure that the message is delivered and understood as intended and there is no way to do that other than focusing on effective feedback.

Workplace communication is a key for successful work, as when everyone is clearly getting the information they need, they are able to focus their energy on the task at hand and complete their job as perfectly as they should. It is the job of every employee and manager to avoid risking miscommunication or confusion and to improve workplace communication for better results.

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