Human beings can’t live without communication, and as communication is everything, it is also a corner stone to build a successful workplace. Workplace communication is the communication you do at work about work with your colleagues, coworkers and managers and it has to be effective.
Know What to Communicate, How and When
Effective communication in the workplace is all about what you need to communicate, what tools to use and when, Communication methods may vary from emails, instant messages, phone calls and face to face communication, you have to be clear about you need and choose the right method and timing.
Watch Your Body Language and Tone of Voice
When talking about the methods for effective communication in the workplace, the importance of body language can’t be ignored, you should carefully watch your body language and facial expressions to be suitable to the message you are communicating, and to use an appropriate tone of voice to avoid giving off any unintentional cues.
Be a Good Listener
As communication is a two-way process, Listening is as important as talking for an effective communication process. Listen carefully to your communication partner, give them the chance to explain their ideas and opinions. Listen to understand not just to reply to get the best out of the communication.
Identify Potential Conflicts and Handle it
Conflicts and miscommunication happen and may negatively affect communication effectiveness in the workplace. You should identify sources of potential conflicts and try to diplomatically handle it with an open mind. If you feel that someone misunderstood what you say, just talk to them to clarify your message, listen carefully to understand their point of view to reach a common ground and build effective communication.

Ways of effective communication in the workplace may vary but at the end, focusing on effective communication can help build trust, boost teamwork and encourage open communication resulting in a more collaborative, productive and healthy workplace which in turn can have a huge impact on business success.
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