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Work during the holy month of Ramadan can be a great deal for many employees. Throughout the day you are struggling more than ever and Iftar tends to be a few hours away, your energy begins to run out, your concentration levels decrease and your performance is negatively affected as a result. How can you get back on track and boost your energy and productivity rate?

Plan your Day Ahead

Planning what you will be doing during the day is essential with the lack of energy and productivity you may face. Make a “to-do list” with all the tasks that you have to accomplish during the day, this in turn can help you be more focused and work smarter without wasting time and energy. This trick is the most important one to follow to avoid your energy levels from running low during Ramadan.

Eat and Drink Healthily

Eating healthily is the key to boosting energy levels during fasting. Avoid overeating during Suhur and Iftar as overeating will lead to drowsiness and laziness, instead be sure to consume in moderate portions and go for balanced meals that include carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins. Also make sure to drink enough amount of water during the hours between Iftar and Suhur to keep your energy at pace.

Stay Away from Caffeine

Caffeine is usually a need to keep you alert and focused but not in Ramadan, as consuming caffeine in Ramadan can have negative effects affecting your sleep, forcing you to sleep late and triggering thirst the following day. It is advisable to stay away from caffeine during non-fasting hours and to take in as much water as possible to keep you more relaxed and energized during workdays.

Have Enough Sleep

Although sleeping patterns can be messed up during Ramadan, it is important to get enough sleep to be able to focus during fasting. You may try to eat your Suhur a bit early and sleep or you may sleep for a while, get up to eat and do your prayers then get back to sleep. The point is it is essential to get enough sleep to boost your energy levels during Ramadan.

Take Time Off

During Ramadan, taking some time off is preferable to be able to regain focus if you feel sleepy, lazy, or unmotivated. Take regular breaks during your workday to refresh your mind and body. You may go for a walk, do some exercise, watch something, take a short nap, or even have a chat with a colleague. Breaks are a must to keep your energy from running low during Ramadan.

Lastly, remember that weakness and losing energy is a human nature and it is okay to feel tired and unmotivated, the point is to think positively and try to get back on track, to boost your energy and to regain focus. Following the above-mentioned tips and tricks can facilitate your work and help you when your energy levels run low during Ramadan.

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